OST Provider Commitment

  • Subscribe to the YSS mailing list and stay up-to-date on YSS News
  • Attend major events such as networking or showcase events held by OST providers
  • Attend onboarding session with YSS staff
  • Attend YSS Quarterly Meetings
  • Submit program information and youth participation data through SEI Portal

YSS Commitment

  • Acknowledge providers on YSS website
  • Provide networking opportunities with other OST providers, key community partners, and potential funders who are supporting youth 
  • Include providers in YSS website/211 program finder to market provider programs with access to a Marketing toolkit
  • Communicate announcements to families or other OST providers on the website
  • Provide resources and training during quarterly meetings
  • Send YSS newsletter
  • Grant free access to Professional Learning opportunities

Your YSS Coach will support you in your journey of continuous improvement and creating impactful experiences for youth. Whether you’re incorporating the National Institute for Out of School Time (NIOST) best practices or engaging in GiANT leadership development, our goal is to support you in becoming the best you can be for the youth you serve.


As a member of YSS, you have the opportunity to attend multiple networking events and quarterly meetings throughout the year. Networking plays a crucial role in enhancing our YSS providers by creating opportunities to share resources, exchange ideas, and strengthen our efforts to create a positive difference in the lives of youth. 


The OST Impact data enables the network to showcase the positive effects of afterschool and summer learning programs on youth development. By submitting and analyzing data, YSS aims to enhance your ability to grow and improve your program while also leveraging the data to expand opportunities for youth, attract funding, and support long-term sustainability.

Professional Learning

Ongoing professional learning opportunities, designed specifically for you and your teams, are available throughout the year.  By tapping into the expertise of subject matter experts and the collective knowledge within the YSS network, OST professionals can discover new strategies, learn to content, and grow together.

System Building

System building is about working collaboratively to create a stronger, more connected network that ensures all youth have the opportunity to thrive. By coming together, the YSS network can allocate resources effectively, tailor services to meet specific needs, and drive community-wide impact. 

Collective Grantmaking

 System building is about working collaboratively to create a stronger, more connected network that ensures all youth have the opportunity to thrive. By coming together, the YSS network can allocate resources effectively, tailor services to meet specific needs, and drive community-wide impact.